Frisian Triumph

Artist Daan Samson exclusively produced an artwork for the Frisian village of Heeg. Photo 'Frisian Triumph' (Fryske Triomf) was unveiled during the local festival 'Heechspanning'. The picture shows how a luxury yacht has entered the villages' harbor. Striking is an atmosphere of comfort; which today is widely present within the world of water sports.

The starring roles are for a number of Frisian youngsters. Digging through Facebook the artist has invited this Frisians to participate as models. Confident appearances, convenient yachting clothing and poses that reveal a healthy lust for life. Frisian ship Korneliske Ykes II shines in the background. Daan Samson offers Heeg an artwork to welcome quests triumphantly.

  • XL Photo print
  • Offered to: Stichting Plaatselijk Belang Heeg
  • Photography: Jeronimus van Pelt

