At the 2010 Supermarket Art Fair in Stockholm, Daan Samson launches an unselfish precision bombardment on the dominant network structures within the Nordic art scene.
Like a present-day Cupid he is sending luxurious giftboxes to gallery owners, museum directors, art theorists and influential artists. Daan Samson doesn't make himself known as the sender of these luxury gifts, but instead he gives the names of other, unsuspecting, key players in the Scandinavian art world. It is a dream of Hollands most humblest artist to stimulate new connections, to build bridges, and to repair friendships gone sour.
- Intervention at Supermarket Art Fair 2010 in Stockholm
- At the invitation of NEST artspace
- Fashion: Margreeth Olsthoorn
- Sponsored by: KETEL ONE VODKA
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